Two Line Element Set Format
A Two Line Element Set or (TLE) is a data format encoding a list of orbital elements of an Earth-orbiting object for a given point in time (epoch).  Below is the designated format used by NASA and other organizations, as well as amateur satellite trackers to predict the orbital elements of a man made satellite.
1 xxxxxu xxxxxaaa xxxxx.xxxxxxxx +.xxxxxxxx +xxxxx-x +xxxxx-x x xxxxx
2 xxxxx xxx.xxxx xxx.xxxx xxxxxxx xxx.xxxx xxx.xxxx xx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Example of a 2 line element set for the International Space Station:

1 25544U 98067A   18258.87806760  .00016717  00000-0  10270-3 0  9036
2 25544  51.6413 286.7600 0004466 162.8037 197.3268 15.53868139 12613
Line 1
Line number of element data
Lines 03 - 07
Satellite number
Lines 09 - 16
Inclination (degrees)
Lines 18 - 25
Right ascension of the ascending node
Lines 27 - 33
Eccentricity (decimal point assumed)
Lines 35 - 42
Argument of perigee (degrees)
Lines 44 - 51
Mean anomaly (degrees)
Lines 53 - 63
Mean motion (revolutions per day)
Lines 64 - 68
Revolution number at epoch (revolutions)
Line 69
Checksum (modulo 10)
Column Description
Line 1 Line number of element data
Lines 03 - 07 Satellite number
Lines 08 Classification (U=unclassified)
Lines 10 - 11 International Designator
(last two digits of launch year)
Lines 12 - 14 International Designator
(launch number of the year)
Lines 15 - 17 International Designator (piece of the launch)
Lines 19 - 20 Epoch Year (las two digits of year)
Lines 21 - 32 Epoch
(day of the year & fractional portion of day)
Lines 34 - 43 First time derivative of the mean motion
Lines 45 - 52 Second time derivative of mean motion
(decimal point assumed)
Lines 54 - 61 BSTAR drag term
(decimal point assumed)
Line 63 Ephemeris type
Lines 65 - 68 Element number
Line 69 Checksum (Modulo 10) (Letter, blanks,
periods, plus signs = 0; minus signs = 1)
Line 1
Line 2